Toleranz, Engagement und Verständigung

Chance, Veränderung und Wachstum

Nachhaltig, intensiv und konstruktiv

Methoden, Modelle und Lösungen

Transform e.V.

Centre for Conflict Resolution and Political Development

Transform e.V. serves to promote social, political, societal and cultural development, intercultural tolerance, mutual understanding, social commitment and understanding.
The aim is not to change the world, but to show that innovative methods and models of intervention can be used to find alternative solutions to some of the social and societal dilemmas.

Conflicts should not only be seen as a destructive force, but also as an opportunity for positive social change and structural and moral growth.
Sustainable solutions can only be found through an intensive examination of the conflict, not through short-term compromises.
Communication and constructive dialog are the key to resolving a conflict.

The Three Pillars of Our Work

Promoting cohesion within a community, whether in an organization or in public institutions, in municipalities, cities or regions, is a key focus of our work. We support communities in promoting the active participation and involvement of ALL and in overcoming structural and political barriers. Prejudices and stereotypes and the associated exclusion should be replaced by a culture of recognition and cohesion. One way of doing this is through structured group processes in which those who are caught up in the dynamics of the conflict discuss the causes of the conflict, develop creative solutions and alternatives together and implement these together.

In a difficult, long-lasting conflict, it is important that the conflict groups recognize the roots of the conflict and bring them to the surface.
Long-lasting conflicts are in a spiral in which hardly anyone can name the deep-seated reason for the escalated conflict.
Realizing this is a first step towards moral growth and social change.
An in-depth conflict analysis also includes the possibility of self-study: how and why am I involved in this conflict and what am I contributing to it.
This ultimately enables the design of new behaviors, strategies and their implementation.


For us, political development means supporting groups that want to organize effectively to achieve a practical vision for a better future.
We offer applied methods to improve communication skills and to develop long-term perspectives and strategies for peaceful, social and political change.
This is done on the basis of an in-depth analysis of existing realities.
The aim of our work is to support those who want to change the way politics is done and how power is exercised: from “power over” and “power against” to “power for” and “power with”