Project Description

Active Mobility in Berlin Weißensee

Client/Funding Partner:

District Office of Pankow

Project Duration:
April 2019 – December 2019

Physical activity is healthy, fun, promotes sustainability in public spaces, and enhances quality of life by making public areas more accessible and safer. Every journey made through active mobility reduces air pollution and noise levels.

n the “Active Mobility in Weißensee” project, ocal institutions, initiatives, organizations, associations, schools, and kindergartens were involved in the planning and implementation. Ideas for innovative urban design, creative use of public spaces, and movement initiatives were contributed. Alongside the activation of institutions for the action day, the project emphasized fostering exchange and cooperation among participating institutions.

The action day took place in the outdoor areas of Frei-Zeit-Haus Weißensee and the adjacent Jürgen-Kuczynski Park. A total of 27 intergenerational activities were offered, focusing on cycling, walking, the senses, movement, well-being, and community: from a joint circuit as a parcours, to traffic safety training, bicycle coding, pedestrian traffic checks, interactive mapping, as well as cycling activities with single and cargo bikes, children’s activities, senior gymnastics, Nordic walking, running drills, various walks, and a family run around Kreuzpfuhl.

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