Project Description

Exploring the Potential for Transformation at the Local Level in Egypt

Client/Funding Agency:

ZIVIK: Institute for Foreign Relations

January 2014 – December 2014

Field research conducted in 2013 revealed the hypothesis that there are at least four major societal issues hindering successful transformation in Egypt: inadequate knowledge transfer, miscommunication, lack of institutionalization, and poor leadership.

Through a specific survey approach aimed at identifying and screening organizations and groups in the Delta and Upper Egypt, groups and organizations were identified that have managed to overcome, or at least have the potential to overcome, these societal challenges. The study focused on: 1) understanding the causes of their success and determining how this success can be replicated elsewhere in Egypt, and 2) creating a network among these successful groups to foster closer connections and exchange between their successful models.

As part of this project, a team of local researchers conducted around 40 interviews with local initiatives and NGOs, from which 21 were selected to participate in a workshop. The aim of this workshop was to establish a network among the groups to share their best practices and knowledge, and to explore whether and how the approaches could be replicated in other parts of Egypt.

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