Project Description

Healthy in Richardkiez II – Strong and Healthy Parents

Client/Funding Partner:

Neighborhood Management Richardplatz South / District Office Neukölln

Project Duration:
April 2019 – December 2021

The goal of the project is to empower parents in the Richardplatz South neighbourhood to make responsible decisions regarding their health and the health of their children, and to strengthen health-promoting behaviours.

In everyday life with children, many questions often arise. Parents may wish to discuss these with other parents or exchange ideas. Sometimes, they may also want to seek advice from a professional. Parent cafés provide the space and opportunity to reach out to parents/mothers. Therefore, the project closely collaborates with the existing and established parent cafés at Richardschule and Löwenzahn School, as well as with the Family Centre at Droryplatz. Through programs and activities at these three institutions, parents/mothers are to be reached, informed, and empowered.

Specific Measures:

  • Idea workshops in the parent cafés
  • Training/Coaching for parent café leaders
  • Parent cafés with thematic input on health-related issues
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