Project Description

We at Droryplatz – Education in Motion

Client/Funding Agency:

Quartiersmanagement Richardplatz Süd / Bezirksamt Neukölln

July 2014 – December 2016

he aim of the project was to strengthen and stabilize the cooperation between the institutions in order to establish Droryplatz as a central location offering good educational opportunities for children and adolescents, with enhanced collaboration with parents to strengthen the entire family. Together with the institutions at Droryplatz, sustainable support for children and adolescents was created, and parents were also to be empowered, with an expansion of the institutions’ violence prevention work. This was to be achieved primarily through a clear, shared pedagogical stance developed within the framework of this project (Concept Education in Motion), defined rules and measures for compliance, and a structured concept for the use and responsibility of Droryplatz.

Participating Institutions:
Löwenzahn School, Löwenzahn School After-School Care, Pusteblume School Station, Children’s Pavilion, AWO-Kita “You and Me”, Kita Böhmische Str.1, Family Center at Droryplatz, Youth Neighbourhood Center Outreach, Neighbourhood Mothers in Neukölln, Quartiersmanagement Richardplatz Süd A joint pedagogical guide was developed by these institutions, which also outlined the use and responsibility of the space and parent involvement as another major topic. Regular training and workshops on specific topics were organized for the staff of the institutions. In addition to learning new and relevant information, these sessions also aimed to better network the staff from the different institutions and strengthen their collaboration. The focus of the training was on Nonviolent Communication and collegial support. Other training sessions included “Motivations of Violent Children and Adolescents and Action Strategies” and a one-day workshop on “New Authority.” All these measures were intended to strengthen and solidify cooperation and promote collaborative work.

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