Project Description

April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt

Client/Funding Agency:


January 2014 – March 2015

The “April 6 Youth Movement” was one of the key participants and organizers of the 2011 revolution. Since the military coup in July 2013, the youth movement, along with other opposition groups in Egypt, has been under significant pressure from the government. The government’s repression led the movement to reconsider its strategies. Transform was requested to support this process and assist with the strategic restructuring of the movement.

In January 2014, Transform trained a group of movement members in consensus-building and facilitation methods. Over the following three months, this group conducted meetings with local movement groups across the country to develop a new vision for the organization and a new strategy that addresses the changed political situation.

In May 2014, a strategic planning workshop was held with the movement’s leadership. Data from the regional meetings was incorporated into the planning process. The strategic planning workshop resulted in an action plan that the organization was to implement subsequently. Unfortunately, no implementation occurred in the following months as the movement spent considerable time responding to various attacks from the regime.

From September 2014 to March 2015, weekly planning discussions took place with the movement’s leadership. During these sessions, the previously developed strategic plan was completely revised, a situational analysis was created, and a new vision, mission, and strategies for the movement were established.

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